
Welcome! Whether you've stumbled on this site while searching for information on a course or you've been linked here from somewhere, it's good to have you! The goal of the site is to discuss golf, golf architecture, and golf courses. I don't want to review only the courses that make Top 100 lists, but the kinds of courses that people can play day to day. Though if I do get the chance to play a top course, you can bet I'll take it.

I'm based in Colorado and many of my reviews will be courses along the Front Range and Western Nebraska, traveling as I am able. For information about where I'm hoping to head next, please visit Wishlists.

Guiding principles:

- Golf should be fun.
- Golf is most fun when walking.
- Quirk is fun. Creativity is fun.

This is like the opposite of the Confidential Guide. You'll get my full, honest, holds barred opinion. I generally won't review courses that I don't like. Just because something isn't my cup of tea, doesn't mean that it isn't someone else's. I don't want to disparage someone's home course.

If you have any questions or want to get a game together, please drop a line!

Looking back towards the tee - #17 at Wild Horse